Who Are We ?
The African Students Association (ASA) is a group of students at Truman State University (T.S.U) of African and non African decent who are dedicated in their common goal to act as resources of information on Africa, promote African issues on Campus and create an awareness of Africa by encouraging the positive interaction between its members and students of African decent and their campus and community. It is a service and social association.
ASA consists of student members as well as faculty. These members have spent a considerable amount of time in Africa or are really interested in the continent. These people have been in close contact with various cultures of the continent and can therefore answer any questions you have. Please click here to see a list of our members and the countries they are represent.
Eligibility of Membership
All students at TSU are eligible for membership. All ASA Alumni are eligible for membership. African Students are strongly encouraged to join. See our page listing of Association members, Officers and Committee Heads.
Our Objectives
- Bring awareness of African issues to TSU it’s surrounding community
- Act as a resource of information on Africa
- To help rid misconceptions on/about Africa
- Act as a support group for African students at T.S.U
- Encourage positive interaction between African students and the Truman community
What Services does ASA provide
- Assist lecturers, clubs, groups, organizations or events by providing information on specific countries from individual members who are citizens of that country or those who have connections with particular countries. This includes music, artwork, literature, historical and social information. For a list of countries represented on campus see our members page.
- Provide assistance to students seeking information onspecific countries. For quick access to information see our page for links to Information on African countries.
- Participate or support other student or non-student organizations on Campus or in the community
- Provide student speakers for lecturers,organizations or events
The ASA puts together events of various types during the school year. They are mostly educational with a blend of entertainment on the side. Our annually scheduled events are listed below, watch out for announcements for other events.
Sights and Sounds of Africa Spring Semester
Food Fest Fall Semester
Henna Fundraisers Spring and Fall semesters
***We also have featured events with the International Club for International Idol and International Dinner!
We have loads of activities all year round, from welcome dinners for new students to our annual events like Sights and Sounds of Africa. As an organization that is focused mainly on supporting each other, we try to arrange activities that build lasting bonds amongst our members. We participate in events organized by other groups on campus, like dance performances, and providing speakers for other campus organizations.
In 2003, we were judged Outstanding New Organization during an award banquet organized by the Center for Student Involvement. Our show, International Idol was also awarded the prize of Outstanding Entertainment Event.
In February 2008, we received the award of Best Multi-cultural show in the Midwest region. This award was given to our organization for putting together an extremely entertaining as well as educational show. The show was called “Sights and Sounds of Africa” and the theme “Africa Through My Eyes”
In 2012, we received the Outstanding Educational Event Award during a banquet organized by the Center for Student Involvement for our production of Sights and Sounds of Africa 2012: Africarnival.